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Bacton Estate, Camden

14 Jun 2016

Cherry Court, built on a former district housing office site, is the first part of the Bacton Low Rise re-development to be completed and provides 67 new homes. The project is part of Camden’s Community Investment Programme and provides high quality,
energy efficient housing and improved living spaces.

The Bacton Low Rise Tenants and Residents Association worked in partnership with Camden to address the poor condition and problems of energy inefficiency for the homes on the estate. Together they chose the architect and worked on the design,
which includes a new pedestrianised street.

The redevelopment will ultimately provide 294 new homes. 177 will be for private sale, 107 will be council homes for rent, and 10 will be shared ownership homes. Three employment units will also be created. The work will be undertaken over three phases.

As well as providing new homes, redesigning the estate will bring further benefits such as investment funding and opportunities for open spaces, better lighting and safety improvements which enhance the look and feel of the area.

Client: Bacton Low Rise Tenants and Residents Association, Camden council
Architects: Karakusevic Carson Architects
Site plan: Karakusevic Carson Architects

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