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Cycling Night: How to break a world track record

Engineering Club
Thu 22 Sep 2011

New world records will be the icing on the cake of a successful Olympic games in 2012. To break a world record requires supreme physical effort from the athletes but in cycling this can be also be influenced by technology and engineering. The bicycles, the track and the environment will all contribute to being “the fastest ever”.

Join us for the first in the new season of Engineering Club talks to hear Graeme Obree 'The Flying Scotsman', bicycle innovator and twice holder of the 1 hour world record explain what it takes for both bodies and bikes. Mike Taylor of Hopkins Architects, designers of the 2012 Velodrome, will look at the history of cycling tracks and how they have influenced world records. Klaus Bode of BDSP, also part of the Velodrome design team will explain how they are creating the optimum track environment for record-breaking.

Cycling Night from Jackson Hunt on Vimeo.

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