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Trees in hard landscapes

Half Day Seminar
Mon 23 Mar 2015

Trees are a powerful and versatile tool to deliver places that work both for people and the planet. However, the benefits - from financial return on investment to improved liveability - don’t happen by chance, they happen by design.

In this carefully planned event built environment experts and arboriculturists will cross-examine the latest research findings. They will assess available tools and look at example projects that demonstrate designing with trees to achieve enhanced value. Their exploration will also look at the changing landscape of infrastructure funding, and the funding opportunities accessible when better alignment can be achieved between use of trees and project objectives.

This is an essential half day workshop for planners, architects, architectural technicians, landscape architects, engineers and developers seeking to understand how trees can achieve design ambitions and deliver financial and environmental value to a project. Attendees will take away practical information to implement in their work.

Chair: Robert Huxford, Director Urban Design Group and Member of the ICE Municipal Engineers Expert Panel 


–      Rupert Bentley Walls, Arboricultural Manager, London Borough of Hackney

–      Anne Jaluzot, Green infrastructure planning consultant, lead author of Trees in Hard Landscapes: A Guide for Delivery (2014)

–      Stephen O’Malley, Director, Civic Engineers

–      Keith Sacre, Sales Director, Barcham Trees and lead author of BS 8545:2014 Trees: from nursery to independence in the landscape - Recommendations

Cost: £135 + VAT per person 

We are offering a 20% discount to those that attend both seminars in the series. For more information click here.

This is the first seminar in a two-part cross-disciplinary exploration of the latest research, technical solutions and project examples on the contemporary use of trees in streets and the wider public realm drawing from the content of the Trees and Design Action Group latest publication: Trees in Hard Landscapes: A Guide for Delivery (2014, 160pp) - available at: Those that attend the seminar will receive a professionally printed and bound hardcopy. The second event can be reviewed here.




This event is endorsed by the Chartered Institution for Highways and Transportation for CPD and sponsored by GreenBlue Urban.

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