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RonaBond Bedding Mortar

Ronacrete Ltd

RonaBond Bedding Mortar is a high strength prepacked polymer modified mortar for bedding brick slips and bonding copings and other building components to concrete and suitable building surfaces. It is strong, durable and resistant to water and frost attack.

RonaBond Bedding Mortar has been tested by the British Board of Agrement for bonding brick slips and a certificate has been issued.

RonaBond Bedding Mortar bonds effectively to asphalt and bitumen and unlike epoxy or polyester bedding mortars will not soften or denature the substrate.


Compressive strength
50N/mm² (after 28 days)
Min/Max = 6*/50mm
Bonding brick slips, copings, full bricks, kerbs, setts; Bonds to concrete, asphalt, bitumen, render, brick, tiles, marine ply; Thin section bedding; General purpose bedding and bonding Internal and external application


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