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Onduline’s Eco Credentials

2 Apr 2008
Onduline roofing sheets are increasingly being used on builds where eco-friendly is a primary issue. With a high performance and low environmental impact, Onduline is an ideal eco roofing material.

Made from 90% organic recycled fibres and a bitumen coating, compared to steel and other materials, Onduline produces lower gas emissions during the manufacturing process per m² of surface area. With virtually no waste material leaving the production plant as all product matter is reusable.

Onduline’s lightweight and flexibility properties make it easy to handle and manufactured to the highest of standards Onduline is BBA certified, with a 15 year insurance back guarantee. Sheets are available in 4 classic colours and suitable for a new or existing low pitched roof.

Onduline Compact Tile Strips are also available, made from the same composition as the roof sheet but designed for smaller sized timber frames such as sheds, summerhouses, pavilions or workshops.

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