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Longhurst, Belfast

24 Apr 2024
Case study

Tony Carter, Senior Sales Executive of KEIM Mineral Paints, visited Longhurst and recommended using KEIM Granital onto the render to provide an opaque finish, along with KEIM Concretal Lasur, a low pigmentation colour wash that acts as a stain, onto the smooth surface to maintain the look and feel of concrete. 

Sample trials were carried out, as shown in the photo below, and the chosen colours were KEIM Granital CL004 and KEIM Concretal Lasur CL017.

This project has been shortlisted for the Royal Society of Ulster Architects Awards 2024. The winner will be announced on 9th May 2024.

This site is within what was originally the estate of a large house, known as Longhurst, in south Belfast. It has now been divided into several large residential properties with views across Lagan Valley Regional Park.

McGonigle McGarth Architects contacted KEIM Mineral Paints because they wanted to use a breathable mineral paint, applied onto bare concrete and render. On any new build project, McGonigle McGarth Architects use KEIM to allow the mineral paint to penetrate into the unpainted surface and creating a chemical bond that acts to both keeping water out but allows water vapour to pass through.

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