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Monoscreed (Levelling Screed)

Alumasc Roofing Systems

Monoscreed is a fast curing PMMA based compound screed (solvent and isocyanate free) comprising of resin + filler + aggregate mix.The cold applied compound can be mixed at roof level and applied to concrete decks (3mm - 50mm) in order to bring deck levels back to tolerance i.e. zero falls thus reducing deck deflection/back-falls.

Fast Cure Time

The system is unaffected by ambient temperatures, is rainproof within 15 minutes of being applied and will fully cure in circa 45 minutes, thus offering significant programme benefits when compared with more traditional screeds.

Application to Substrate

Monoscreed can be applied directly to suitably prepared cementitious concrete which is free from dust, dampness, laitance, grease, oil or other contamination, and if necessary primed with Alumasc bitumen primer. The system comes in pre-measured packs of components palletised in order to ensure easy transportation to roof level and accuracy of the compound mix.


Suitable for direct overlay with Alumasc Roofing Systems including Hydrotech MM6125, Derbigum and Euroroof bituminous membranes and Caltech QC cold-applied liquid. Monoscreed is also suitable to be installed over Hydrotech protection sheets and Derbigum bituminous membranes where necessary.

Mixing Process

  • Pour the 2.0 Kg Monoscreed resin into a suitable receptacle
  • Add the 20.0Kg Monoscreed filler (pre-blended filler + catalyst) and mix thoroughly with a slow speed mechanical agitator or forced action mixer until the material achieves a uniform, consistency
  • Leave for 1 minute for catalyst to dissolve and re-mix
  • Add the 10.0 Kg Monoscreed aggregate and mix thoroughly with a slow speed mechanical agitator or forced action mixer until the material achieves a uniform consistency - Alumasc Roofing: leading supplier of innovative, high-performance flat roof systems, waterproofing and green roof systems

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